This Was The Life After School For Me.

This was one of the very few cow shed i used to milk in at one stage of my teenage life. I use to milk cow for just over 5 years before i have found myself living im Melbourne full time. In the time of me actually working full time day after day and maybe some long night work. It was a hard life for me as i was trained to have my self out of bed at 4 every morring to go to work. I hated it on cold morrings whitch was quite a everyday thing to happend but i got use to it as i was there it a little town call Mamaku with a population of 250 people it was nice. We were about 15-20 mins away from the main town Rotorua were i went to school. It was called Rotorua Boys High School. i was there for 2 years. After the schooling i put myself into a course to study Agriculture for a year only to walk away with level 1,2,3,4 in agriculture i was raped to have had something nice that i could look on in my future
Video Jockey
do you think i could become a vj in the Blogosphere world. It worth a go. lol
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