My Dream Computer.

This is the same type look a like Computer i owned in New Zealand. I would like to do this again to our p.c. Hopefully my boyfriend Sebastian agrees to let me do up the p.c with, p.c Pentium 43.2e GHz, Intel , D865GBFLk Motherboard, 2 GB Memory (p.c 3200 512 MBx4, Ge Force Fz5200, Promise Sataise TX4, 16GB Disk (Maxtor 6Y160M0), 250GB Disk (Maxtor 7Y250MO), 250GB Disk (Maxtor 7Y250MO), 250GB Disk (Hitachi HD5722525UL5A80), DVD+/R/RW Drive Pioneer DVD-107D, DVD+/R/RW Pioneer DVD-106D, Fan Master 5F-60G. After puting all that in the post that's alot of things it will take me a while to get it to run like this p.c you see here.
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