Where Is Tiggah?

This morring i woke up to find Taash and Glen asleep in the loung room, Taarsh has been staying with the three of us for about a week now, she also bought her Cat "Tigga". Anyway to cut a long story short. I poped my head down to the ground to see if i could see Tiggah, no sign so i check the rest of the house and still no sign. About the time Taash wake's up, i say have you seen Tiggah, she said she was with me though the night but not now. After about 4 hour of not knowing her were about's i had this feeling she could still be around. I decided to check the bedroom again, under the bed, still no sign i look again the find her in the tightest corner under the the bed. Well what a relief of all 4 of us here today, to have Tiggah back.
Well Taash had never had her outside the house before so that's why tiggah got scared. First time to someone's house for Tiggah
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