The Music of Aidan Aristos' 18th Birthday

Today is my birthday party. Very soon I am going to turn 19. These are a few of the favourite songs that I am listening to. My very favourite of all is "We Belong Together" by Mariah Carey. But you might like to listen to the playlist that I have created. Just click on the button and enjoy the music ! Don't you just love it when you click on a link and suddenly a little TV appears and starts playing your favourite song. And then imagine that you could talk to your CD player and your radio, and tell them what to do, and that they would obey your every command at the sound of your voice. And now imagine that you could win one of the world's biggest and best home entertainment systems and have a consultant from Microsoft come to your home and completely transform it with all the latest interactive software, such as Microsoft's "TV 2 Internet" so that you can totally control the Internet from the TV and vice-versa. Imagine projectors and screens, TV's and mirror balls, lights and music. Imagine being the kead singer of a rock band and living like a superhero. Imagind touring around the world with a legion of fans. That's what I did, and it all started wtih this song.

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